General information
Erasmus+ Programme is the European Commission's programme of excellence through which high-level international Master's programmes (EMJM) implemented by consortia of higher education institutions from different countries are funded, awarding full scholarships to the best students at international level. Erasmus+ Programme aims to enhance the attractiveness and excellence of European higher education in the world and attract talent to Europe, through a combination of:
i) Institutional academic cooperation to showcase European excellence in higher education, and
ii) individual mobility for all students taking part in the EMJM, with EU-funded scholarships for the best
students applying
Forming a part of the Erasmus+ Programme ARURCOHE Programme will attract the best young architects, civil engineers, urbanists and other related titles in the architectural and urban contemporary heritage. Erasmus+ Programme funds five editions of ARURCOHE Programme for the 2023-2028 period (see next figure).

ARURCOHE access requirements
The ARURCOHE Programme is open to holders of an official higher education degree from one or more universities in the field of architecture, civil engineering, urban planning or similar. Applicants are expected to have a higher education degree according to the following criteria: successful completion of a 5-year (300 ECTS) university study program (Graduated architects, urbanists, civil engineers, architectural engineers and similar) associated to a Regulated Profession.
Note: "Regulated Profession" is defined as a professional activity or group of professional activities, access to which, the pursuit of which, or one of the modes of the pursuit of which is subject, directly or indirectly, under legislative, regulatory or administrative provisions to the possession of specific professional qualifications; in particular, the use of a professional title limited by legislative, regulatory or administrative provisions to holders of a given professional qualification shall constitute a mode of pursuit.
Student status
Two types of participation are included. Scholarship students and non-scholarship students partially funded by the ARURCOHE Program. Membership in one or the other type of participation depends solely on the merits provided by the applicants. Their characteristics are explained below. All the students in ARURCOHE Programme will be enrolled in the three official partners.
About the Diplomes
ARURCOHE Programme will be issued to all the students two diplomas regardless of the selected Path and the location of Master Dissertation and Courses:
(i) from the Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) the joint diploma university Master "Architectural and urban contemporary heritage-ARURCOHE" and
(ii) from the Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) the the
programme "Architectural and urban contemporary heritage-ARURCOHE"
Both diplomas are official. The first one is an official postgraduate diploma of the Spanish system of universities and will be issued by the Spanish Ministry of Universities on behalf of the three participating universities. The second Diploma is an official postgraduate diploma of the Italian system of universities issued by the Polytechnic University of Torino on behalf of the three participating universities.
About scholarships students
For each edition of the ARURCOHE Programme scholarships can be offered to the 18 best scored students in the selection process from all over the world. However, consortia should ensure geographical balance: 12 of these students must be residents of the Programme Countries or the Third Countries Associated with the Erasmus+ Programme (see https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/programme-guide/part-a/eligible-countries) and the remaining 6 must be from NDICI or IPA III countries. No more than 10% of the total number of scholarships awarded during project implementation (five editions) should be awarded to candidates from the same country of residence (this rule does not apply to scholarships from NDICI and IP III countries).
The residence country of scholarships over the whole programme (five editions) is as follows: 45 Programme Countries or Third Countries Associated with the Erasmus+ Programme, 15 Partner Countries, 3 IPA III countries (Instrument for PreAccession Assistance) and 27 NDICI countries (Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation - Global Europe Instrument) for a total of 90 scholarships (18 by edition). Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2022 (Version 1) or Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2022 (Version 2) may be consulted at: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/programme-guide/erasmusplus-programme-guide
ARURCOHE Programme funds each enrolled scholarship with 1.400 €/month (18 months). The scholarship will be a contribution to the costs incurred by the beneficiary students and shall cover travel, visa, installation and subsistence costs. It is calculated on the basis of a monthly unit cost for the entire period needed by the enrolled scholarship holder to complete the study programme. This period covers study, research, placement activities, Master Dissertation preparation and defence, in line with the requirement of ARURCOHE Programme. During this period, the scholarship can only be awarded in full, and to full-time students.
About non-scholarship students
The following 12 students scored between positions 19 and 30 (both inclusive) will selected as non-scholarship students but partially funded by the ARURCOHE Programme.
Depending on the overall level of evaluation of the merits of the applicants additionally it is possible also to select up to a maximum of 2 non-scholarship students by edition (scored in the positions 31 and 32) partially funded by the ARURCOHE Programme.
The Erasmus
Mundus+ Program offers additional mobility grants for these type of
student. The grants are awarded for Blocks 2 and 3, which is to say
for a total of 12 months. There is not any grant for the first 6 months in Donostia /San Sebastián (Block 1). For more information please contact: arurcohe@ehu.eus
Tuition fees
Student application process is costs free.
Scholarships (18 by edition) must not pay any mandatory costs for their participation in ARURCOHE.
The 12 non-scholarships (scored between positions 19 and 30) will contribute to ARURCOHE maintenance with 6.000 €. This quantity not cover subsistence costs of the students.
For these 30 students (18 scholarshps and 12 non-scholarships) the unit costs of staff costs (teaching), invited guest lecturers, promotion, dissemination, organisational costs (including full insurance coverage, financial support to enrolled students with individual needs in case they are not covered by the top-up mechanism and other student services), administrative costs, and all other costs necessary to implement a successful ARURCOHE are costs free.
About the mobility.
ARURCOHE Programme includes compulsory physical mobility for all enrroled students (scholarship holders or not) consisting of a minimum of two study periods (two Blocks) in two countries. These two countries must be different from the country of residence of the student at enrollment stage. All Master programme study periods (Blocks) must take place in the official partners, or under their direct supervision. Compulsory mobility periods cannot be replaced by virtual mobility (online learning).
The faculty of Architecture of Porto-Portugal (FAUP) offers to host those italian and spanish students of the Path 1 in the Master Dissertation period to ensure the geographical conditions of mobility.
Support available for students with special needs
Coinciding with the indications of the Erasmus+ Program of the European Commission the Partners have identified special attention services for students with special needs in order to facilitate their access to services and their integration into academic, social and cultural life. Further information and assistance can be directly provided by the following information sources:
UPV/EHU partner: https://www.ehu.eus/en/web/discapacidad/ikasleentzako-gida
POLITO partner: https://www.polito.it/en/education/services-and-life-atpolitecnico/
KTU partner: https://students.ktu.edu/studies-accessibility/
In the selection process, students must communicate their special needs.