COURSE 1.1: The context of both the construction and the architectures of the 20th century (6 ECTS) 


Intervention on 20th century architectural heritage requires a prior analysis of its specific historical circumstances. Culture, architectural theory, disciplinary debates and the modern urban context are some of the parameters that define it. The purpose of this subject is to provide the basic information necessary to compose a comprehensible picture of that context. Through lectures, visits and the study of various case studies, students will be able to acquire the most important keys that they will then have to apply in other subjects and projects.

Course objectives:

To qualify students in the detection of the heritage values.

To acquire the students in the knowledge of the recent past of the cities.

To qualify the students in the knowledge of the relation between the societal evolution and the buildings and sites


To qualify students to articulate methodological protocols for the identification of relevant aspects that contribute to  

the conservation and effective management of urban and built heritage, focusing on the contemporary heritage.

Course structure:

Starting from a theoretical class base, several workshops will be held in the classroom to search for paradigmatic cases of what has been previously explained. This combination of theory and practice will be followed throughout the course. In addition, several case studies will be analysed on the ground in San Sebastian (see the "Dossiers for Block 1" page). These will also involve a field visit and a classroom workshop.After this first preparation phase, an analysis of a real case study will be proposed. In a workshop format, students must develop the exercise proposed by the teacher, prepare a deliverable document and publicly present their work.


2/10/2024 – 25/10/2024

Coordinator: Ana Azpiri Albístegui

Academic program

1.1 First week (2-4 October) Course introduction.

2 October. Introduction to the course and approach to the first case study: Bilbao and the plan "Ría 2000". 2 visits:

3 October: visit to the most important 20th century industrial heritage site of the river: Bizkaia Bridge. An approach to the history of the estuary in the 20th century and the result of the changes in port infrastructures that left the river port obsolete. The bases of the 'Bilbao Ría 2000' plan.

4 October. Visit to the Guggenheim Museum and its area. "Bilbao Ría 2000" plan, The recovery of industrial ruins and the 'Guggenheim effect'.

(Students will have to complete an exercise that will be given to them by the professor.)

By Ana Azpiri Albistegui. San Sebastian School of Architecture. Basque Country University.

1.2 Second week (7-11 October) To read and understand 20th century heritage at the architectural and urban scale.

Proposed practical exercise how to do a paper about architectural heritage. Theory and practice sessions. (Students will have to complete an exercise that will be given to them by the professor.)

By Professor Alice Pozzati of the POLITO (Politecnico di Torino).

1.3 Third week. 14 October. Invited Lecture by Professor Juan Calatrava. School of Architecture. University of Granada.

The 20th century heritage from the perspective of ICOMOS

15, 16, 17, 18 October. Archives of contemporary heritage: oral testimonies as a source of research. (Students will have to complete an exercise that will be given to them by the professor.)

By David Ordóñez, Professor and researcher at the University of Porto (Portugal).

1.4 Fourth week.

21 October Workshop with Professor Ana Azpiri Albistegui.

22, 23, 24 October. 20th century architecture in the context of UNESCO World Heritage.

By Professor Vaidas Petrulis. KTU (Kaunas University of Technology).

25 October. Invited lecture. "The architecture of Luis Peña Ganchegui and its interest as a heritage of the 20th century" "The creation of the Luis Peña Ganchegui Archive".


By the Architect Rocío Peña head of the Luis Peña Ganchegui archive.

Course assessment:

In order to successfully complete the course, a group work will be required for each workshop and a final document with the proposed exercise in the last week. In addition, public presentations made during the course will be assessed.The value of each section is as follows:

- 50% of the mark will be assigned to the exercises proposed in the first week.

- 50% of the mark will be assigned to the exercise proposed in the second week.

Both parts must be passed with a minimum mark of 70 on a scale of 1 to 100.

Evaluation and Resit rules:

All the courses/subjects and Master Dissertation have jointly evaluation rules based in the quality of the practical works proposed by the teachers. The student and teachers presence is mandatory. Related with the courses/subjects all the teachers involved in them have to send to the coordinator teacher the individual evaluation of the students

The evaluation level (excellent, good and deficient) will be taken by the coordinator following the opinions of the teachers involved and in agreement with them. The evaluation level will be discussed with the student. If a student fail a course (deficient level), at least one resit per course/subject within the period Block will be allowed. This resit will take into account the new data and solutions reported by the student. The resit evaluation process will be similar to the initial one.

Students with a deficient level after resitting a course/subject will be remain bound to the EMJMD until ends of the respective Block where the course is allocated. In these cases, the Academic Committee will review the study performance status of the student and advises on continuation of the programme in accordance with their regulations. Students with very weak study performance (decided by the Academic Committee) may lose their scholarship or may be advised to end their study. Students who quite ARURCOHE early, but have successfully completed several courses/subjects, will get a certificate stating the courses for which they have earned credits (in ECTS). This decision will be communicated to the Erasmus+ Program office.


CALATRAVA ESCOBAR, J.A. "Patrimonio histórico e historia de la arquitectura", en: Patrimonio y pluralidad: nuevas direcciones en antropllogía patrimonial. coord. por José Antonio González Alcantud, 2003.

CALATRAVA ESCOBAR, J.A; GONZÁLEZ ALCANTUD, J.A. Problematizar la memoria y el patrimonio, en: Memoria y patrimonio: concepto y reflexión desde el Mediterráneo/ coord. por José Antonio González Alcantud, Juan Antonio Calatrava Escobar, 2012.

CALATRAVA ESCOBAR, J.A. "Ciudad Histórica y eventos culturales en la era de la Globalización", en: La cultura y la ciudad.coord. por Juan Antonio Calatrava Escobar, Francisco García Pérez, David Arredondo Garrido, 2016.

CASSANI, G. "Moderno, troppo Moderno. Restauro o conservazione di un passato (troppo) prossimo", in La sfida del Moderno. L'architettura del XX secolo tra conservazione e innovazione, 2005

GEORGESCU PAQUIN, A. La actualización patrimonial a través de la arquitectura contemporánea, Gijón, Trea, 2015.

HERNÁNDEZ, A. La clonación arquitectónica, Madrid, Siruela, 2007.

RIVERA, D.Dios está en los detalles. La restauración de la arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno, Valencia, General Ediciones de Arquitectura, 2012.

REICHLIN, B. "Riflessioni sulla conservazione del patrimonio architettonico del XX secolo", in Riuso del patrimonio architettonico, a cura di B. Reichlin e B. Pedretti, 2011.

SALVO, S.Restaurare il Novecento. Storia esperienze prospettive, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2016.

SHARP, D; COOKE, C. The Modern Movement in Architecture. Selections from the DOCOMOMO Registers. 010 Publishers, Rotterdam, 2000.

TERDIMANT, R. Present past: Modernity and Memory crisis. Cornell University Press, 1993.

VELA COSSIO, F. coord. La conservación del patrimonio arquitectónico del siglo XX, Fundación Diego de Sagredo, Madrid, 2019.

VV.AA. Arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno, 1925-1965. Registro DOCOMOMO Ibérico, Barcelona, Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico-Actar, 1996.

VV.AA. Intervención en barriadas residenciales obsoletas. Manual de buenas prácticas, Madrid, Abada Editores, 2016.

VV.AA. Intervention Approaches in the 20th Century Architectural Heritage. International Conference CAH20thC. Madrid Document 2011. Ministerio de cultura, Madrid, 2011.

VV.AA. ¿Renovarse o morir? Experiencias, apuestas y paradojas de la intervención en la arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno, Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico - Colegio de Arquitectos de Cádiz, 2007.