Academic news

Academic news

Academic information news for the First Edition (October 2023-March 2025):

August 27th, 2023

26 students are pre-enrolled in ARURCOHE: 19 fully scholarship students and 7 non-scholarship partially funded by the ARURCOHE Programme. The latter 7 have paid a pre-enrollment fee. These 26 students are currently in the process of obtaining the corresponding visa to ensure their presence at the end of September in Donostia-San Sebastian. All of them have an insurance policy for their stay in Europe.

The origin of the 28 students is as follows: Syrian Arabic Republic (1), Mexico (2), Pakistan (4), Brazil (4), Ethiopia (1), Portugal (1), Greece (2), Turkey (2), China (1), Iran Islamic Republic (1), Italy (1), Spain (2), Albania (1), Poland (1), Paraguay (1) and Vieth Nam (1). That is, 26 students from 16 countries.

September 2nd, 2023

Call for grants to attract talent to university master's degrees at the University of the Basque Country. Academic year 2023/2024.
The University of the Basque Country has published a call for grants for enrollment in University Master's Degrees. In the case of ARURCOHE, applications of the non-scholarship students will be supported. Those interested can contact the ARURCOHE Secretariat and enter on line application.

October 2nd, 2023

Today at 10.00 h (Brussels time) the Program Director Prof. Santiago Sánchez-Beitia has presented the first edition of ARURCOHE. Here you may see the pdf file of the power point file shown and here the link to the emitted conference by streaming

October 30th, 2023

ARURCOHE has recently become a member of PTEC (Spanish Construction Technology Platform) which in turn is a part of the European Construction Platform. The most important industrial groups at European level are represented in the PTEC. The basis for the interrelation between PTEC and ARURCOHE will be established shortly. The aim is to connect ARURCOHE students with the construction business sector.

November 28th, 2023

The call for grants for the participation of students in official Master's Degrees offered by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU ("attract talent") has awarded one full scholarship to an ARURCOHE student and a second scholarship is on the reserve list.

January 8 and 9th, 2024

Visit at "Vila de Gracia" in Barcelona.

January 10, 2024

Intervention by the architect Ms. Susana Landrove, General Manager of DOCOMOMO spanish branch.

January 29, 2024

Visit to the Higer Cape lighthouse

March 14, 2024

Visit to the Aránzazu site

March 18 and 19, 2024

Visit to Bordeaux (France).

March 20, 2024

Students-teachers session cheking the general management of Block 1. 

March 21 and 22, 2024

Students evaluation (personal interview).

March 25, 2024

Block 2 presentation at Torino. Click here

April 11, 2024

Trip to Ivrea (a city included in the UNESCO heritage list), accompanied by Prof. Novelli, to visit the works of contemporary architecture designed by the masters of the Italian twentieth-century (Luigi Figini and Gino Pollini, Mario Ridolfi, Roberto Gabetti and Aimaro Isola, Gino Valle, Edoardo Vittoria, Ignazio Gardella, Marcello Nizzoli and Annibale Fiocchi) commissioned by Olivetti.

June 26 and 27, 2024

Trip to Alessandria where there is a visit to the chapel made by Ignazio Gardella for the ex-Sanatorio, the object of the project exercise

Pending confirmation, 2024

Conference by the Studio Isolarchitetti, which is planning (together with Rafael Moneo) the recovery of the Nervi pavilion of Torino Expo to realize the New Civic Library of Turin.

Conference: The Masterplan office of the Politecnico di Torino, to present the project of the Campus of Architecture along the banks of the river Po, which combines the castle of Valentino with the complex of Torino Expo and Teatro Nuovo.